Blackburn Campaign Releases New Ad Highlighting How Tennesseans Really Feel About Bredesen

Marsha Blackburn’s U.S. Senate campaign on Wednesday launched its fifth television ad telling how Tennesseans feel about Phil Bredesen. The responses are not favorable for the Democratic candidate.

The ad, Non-Starter, is available to watch here.

One voter says he voted for Bredesen as governor but “I can’t support Bredesen for Senate.”

Another voter says, “Bredesen opposes building the wall,” while one says, “And now Washington Democrats are behind him.”

Another comment was, “Bredesen opposed Trump’s tax cuts.”

Speaking about the ad, Blackburn campaign manager Kevin Golden said, “These Tennessee voters come from all walks of life, but they have one thing in common: they liked Phil Bredesen as governor but cannot vote for him for Senate. Like Tennesseans across the state, they know Phil Bredesen supported Hillary Clinton for president and he will be a reliable vote for Chuck Schumer and national Democrats. They recognize that in 2018, the stakes are high, and Marsha Blackburn is the only person they can count on to represent their Tennessee values in the United States Senate.”

U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) recently announced her renewed support for President Donald Trump after U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called for his impeachment.

In an off-the-cuff moment caught on video during a Labor Day parade in Brooklyn, Senate Minority Leader Schumer told a bystander who asked when President Trump would be impeached, “The sooner the better,” Fox News reported.

Schumer hand-picked Bredesen to run for the Senate, The Tennessee Star reported, citing The New York Times. Schumer’s PAC donated $10,000 to Bredesen’s campaign earlier this year.

Perhaps this voter’s statement in Blackburn’s ad sums up all the other voters’ feelings: “Ugh.”

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.







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